- swank
- 1. франтоватость, щеголеватость, бахвальство;2. чванливая и самодовольная манера поведения; 3. важничать, чваниться, рисоваться
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Swank — is a pornographic magazine for heterosexual men published in the United States. It includes hardcore sex, such as the use of sex toys, lesbian sex, and sexual intercourse between men and women.There are also a series of DVDs and an official… … Wikipedia
swank — swank·er; swank·i·ly; swank·i·ness; swank·ing; swank; swank·ey; swank·ie; … English syllables
swank|y — «SWANG kee», adjective, swank|i|er, swank|i|est, noun, plural swank|ies. –adj. 1. Slang. a) stylish; … Useful english dictionary
Swank — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Fletcher B. Swank (1875–1950), US amerikanischer Politiker Hilary Swank (* 1974), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit d … Deutsch Wikipedia
swank — [ swæŋk ] adjective INFORMAL fashionable and expensive: a swank apartment/hotel/car … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
swank — index jactation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
swank — 1809, to strut (swanky, n., attractive young fellow is recorded from 1508), perhaps related to M.H.G. swanken to sway, totter, and O.H.G. swingan to swing. Said to have been a Midlands and southwestern England dialectal word. The noun meaning… … Etymology dictionary
swank — / swanky [adj] plush, stylish chichi*, classy, deluxe, exclusive, expensive, fancy, fashionable, flamboyant, flashy, glamorous, grand, lavish, luxurious, ostentatious, peacocky, plushy*, posh, pretentious, rich, ritzy*, sharp, showy, smart,… … New thesaurus
swank — informal ► VERB ▪ display one s wealth, knowledge, or achievements in an attempt to impress others. ► NOUN ▪ behaviour, talk, or display intended to impress others. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
swank — swank1 [swaŋk] n. [orig. slang < dial. vi., akin to OE swancor, pliant, supple, with notion of swinging the body: for IE base see SWING] Informal 1. stylish display or ostentation in dress, etc. 2. swaggering, ostentatious behavior, speech,… … English World dictionary
swank|i|ly — «SWANG kuh lee», adverb. Slang. in a swanky manner … Useful english dictionary